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Learn What Paint Colors Make a Room Look Bigger

Embrace the possibilities of small spaces! With creative design choices like show-stopping paint colors and multifunctional furniture, you can transform even the tiniest room into an area where your ideal decor style comes to life. You don't have to compromise on style, even in small spaces - with smart design choices, your own vision of an ideal haven can be realized. In this post, our team of interior design experts is revealing what colors make a room look bigger.

What colors make a room look bigger? Executive Furniture Leasing is here to help you decide on the best paint colors for your small space.

Open Up Your Space Using Lighting

Before you pick out your paint color, take a look at the lighting in your space. Every room, regardless of size, looks larger when lit just right.

If you have natural light streaming in, you’re already off to a great start. Windows open up a space and immediately makes it feel less confined. If your goal is more room—or simply the appearance of it—try to avoid curtains if you can. If you do prefer them, sheer- or light-colored panels tied back during the day are best to convey a larger space.

What colors make a room look bigger? Try off-white and add fun art prints or eccentric light fixtures.

If you don’t have a lot of natural light in your space, that’s ok! Take this opportunity to enlarge the space by illuminating it with fun light fixtures, colorful shades, and funky floor lamps; whatever shows off your personality and suits your aesthetic. You'll finally be able to create an open space that is both inviting and exciting to live in.

Best Color Combinations for Small Rooms

When it comes to paint colors, there are a few tried-and-true tips for making smaller rooms seem larger with just a little effort. So, what paint colors make a room look bigger? Choose from one (or more) of the following paint colors to give your room a brand new feel that makes your room or home feel more spacious.

Neutral Colors

Looking to lend a larger, brighter feel to your small space? Opt for lighter colors when painting—white and its off-shades like taupe or light gray are always great choices. Where natural lighting is abundant, adding blush pink or beige can give the room just the right amount of warmth without feeling sterile.

Ocean Colors

To bring in even more of those natural elements and add to the airy feel, try colors inspired by the ocean. Seafoam green, earthy ochre, or a breezy blue all add depth and interest to a space, while still making it appear roomier. 

These are especially great in a bedroom or family room, as they create a calming energy.

Rich Tones on an Accent Wall

It may seem counterintuitive: If light colors reflect light and make it seem larger, dark colors must make it seem smaller, right? Not always.

Adding an accent wall to a small space in a dark, rich tone while keeping other touches bright and light can actually distract from the lack of space by creating an effective focal point. 

And if you want to carry that dark color throughout the rest of the space, go for it! In some cases, especially if there is little to no natural light in a space, all-white walls don’t have any light to reflect and can actually have the opposite effect. If you have a small room without windows, it’s not out of the question to lean into the coziness and opt for darker colors.

By choosing one of the above paint colors, you're sure to achieve a living space that makes your room or home feel more spacious.

Eggshell or Satin Finishes

There are a lot of different options for paint finishes out there, so many that it can be hard to tell them apart. Look for eggshell or satin finishes, which have a sheen that can reflect light to make a room feel bigger.

Now that you know what colors make a room look bigger, it's time to dive into additional ways in which you can stage your home and make any small room appear more spacious.

Best Ways to Make a Small Room Look Bigger

Paint color sets the stage, but what about decor, accents, and organization? Luckily, there are plenty of other tools designers keep in their back pockets when they need to make a small room look bigger. 

  • Reduce clutter: Keep things streamlined by removing clutter. Check out your local home decor and home improvement stores for room-saving organizational tools like under-bed storage, over-the-door organizers, or discreet shelving. You can also spring for a storage unit or closet organization if you’re tackling a bigger space.
  • Create a focal point: By introducing one piece of furniture or accent you want to showcase, you draw attention toward that feature and away from the size of the room. That might be an accent wall, a one-of-a-kind piece of furniture, or an eye-catching piece of art.
  • Incorporate Modern Mirrors: Just like light colors and high-sheen paints, mirrors reflect light and make a room feel larger. Use a focal point and angle your mirrors toward it to give the illusion of depth. 
  • Use Furniture that Complements Your Space: Figuring out how to fit big or bulky furniture into a small space feels like an unforgiving game of Tetris. Instead, consider multi-functional furniture. These pieces look cool and add style while serving multiple purposes. 
  • Rent Furniture: The best furniture options for small spaces include chairs, sofas, and beds that feature open arms and/or legs. These make the room seem more open. It also helps the furniture seem as though it’s not “stuffed” into the room. 

How to Arrange Your Furniture to Make Your Room Appear Larger

Once you’ve picked out your furniture, take care with how you arrange it, to trick the eye into thinking your room is larger than it really is. 

The longest straight line in any room is the diagonal. When you place your furniture at an angle, it leads the eye along the longer wall. Plus, you often get some additional storage space behind the piece.

In short, when it comes to tricking the eye and making any small space feel roomier, it's important to know what colors make a room look bigger and know how to position your furniture for ultimate space maximization. 

Contact Our Raleigh Furniture Company Today for Furniture Rental Options for Small Rooms 

Hopefully this post has helped you learn what colors make a room look bigger! If you need additional guidance, our team of experts in furniture leasing and small room design is committed to providing our customers with high-quality furniture rentals and exceptional customer service. We are always ready to answer any questions you may have and help you find the perfect furniture for your small living room.

What colors make a room look bigger? Executive Furniture Leasing in Greensboro, NC is here to help you learn all about the best ways to make your small room look bigger.

You don’t have to live uncomfortably in a small space any longer– contact Executive Furniture Leasing in Greensboro today by calling us at  336-851-1351 or filling out the contact form below. 

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